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Getting my strut on is a full time activity..

Hey Guys, Its December! I almost can’t believe it but here we are. For me, it’s that time of the year where I try to tick through my New Years resolution list as fast as possible in preparation for a new year. My best friend Thelma didn’t fail to send me her annual long ‘’Christmas Wishlist” filled with ridiculous things she knows not even the Queen of England would get her (am I the only one that feels the need to trade my best friend for a bomb ass pair of shoes sometimes?)



In the midst of all the happiness,  I have finals coming up in a week and between preparing for exams and writing major papers & reports, I have basically become a couch potato surviving on pizza and soda.

Today’s outfit is one of those “easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy” type outfits. I had an impromptu lunch with my friend on Saturday and I decided to go for an easy but very comfortable outfit to hide my food pouch. Somehow, lunch turned into a full blown photoshoot


When people think of track bottoms, first things that come to mind are “sports, messy hair, sweats, no makeup, etc”. Well, I hope after reading this post, you’d also think fabulous heels, a casual top and bomb ass makeup. 

Please leave a comment below and share this post if you’ll totally rock this outfit!

ADIDAS sport luxe cuffed pants | TOPSHOP roll-up tee | ZARA tie scarf

Have a blessed week ahead…xx

[Photos by Ekom]

Comments (7)

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    The Alaroro

    Hunnay!Love the shoes. I also like how the tie scarf looks like suspenders in that picture. Dope. I’d like to see the outfit without the coat tho.

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      I tried shooting without the coat but the cold had my facial expressions all over the! Luckily it’s a “repeatable” one so I’d definitely try again without the coat. Thank you for reading sweetie!

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    I want the shoes!!!! You look bomb dear I’d def rock this too

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    I’ve never really been a track pants kind of girl but you really make me feel like going to get some now. Besides, I think it works great for this weather. And it can be dressed up or down.

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    You always make simplicity look so classy! i love that you called it an ‘easy peasy lemon squeezy” outfit lol that was cute. P.S Your best friend sounds like a really interesting person i’m sure many of us would love to see her sometime.

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    Me likey, everything lovely! love the shoe colour

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